Mozzarella mayhem!


Rhymes with 'henn'
11 Years
Jun 14, 2008
South Puget Sound
For dinner tonight I did one of those "clean out the fridge" things. Wound up with a sort of baked ziti dish. It was pretty good.

The mozzarella I used had gotten a bit fuzzy on the end so I took it out to the girls. They was bonkers. And I don't mean "oh look yogurt, shall we have a sip?" but all out, mosh pit shoving, grab it and run like crazy mayhem.

Gosh I love chickens!!
I love it when they do that too! Last night DH pruned a large branch from our apple tree. I asked him to throw it in the run. The girls just loved it. They were all crowded around it gobbling up the leaves and little apples! I shoud have found the camera!
No need to slop the hogs when you can slop the chicens
Almost as good as mealworms!

Sometimes I freeze meat in the package it came in from the store, rather than re-wrapping it. I should know better, because it usually freezer-burns. But I just pressure cook it, then chop it up and toss it to the girls and their great protector. They love that, too.

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