MPC Hatch day special.... what cha think?


5 Years
Oct 30, 2016
Southeast Montana
What breeds do you think these 2 are. They are MPC hatch day specials.
20170602_103244.jpg 20170602_103320.jpg 20170602_103104.jpg 20170602_103123.jpg 20170602_103102.jpg


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They are very cute!
Do you have a list of what they could be?

Sure.. basically a list of.... everything!! lol including breeds lol This is what they say..

Your Hatch Day Mystery Chick (or Poult!) may include largefowl, bantams, or even broilers or turkey poults! Your order will be "straight run," so you've either got to be able to keep roosters or know someone who can take yours if you end up with one: you can't specify females! You also can't specify bantam vs. large fowl, chick vs. turkey poult, broiler vs. egg layer, feather color, egg color etc., so please be prepared to be flexible!

They have id photos and the yellow breeds they show are: Austra White, Delaware, Red Star (golden bluf? i think sex link), NHR, Super Blue Egg Layer, EE (didnt notice puffs yet but could still show up), White leghorn. But i don't see any with that stripe at it's eye

The other one... no, I really don't. They don't really show the backs. I'll keep looking those and update it

These are definitely members of the CUTE breed!

That they are!
Looks like you might have to wait a few weeks until they get some feathers to start guessing? :he
Well, they're definitely chickens. :lau

Maybe RIR and Leghorn production type but could just as easily be a red broiler and a cornish x.

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