MPC Order to be Made Soon! Whatcha think?


11 Years
Jan 28, 2008
Central Alabama (Chelsea)
So, it's spring again, meaning chicken fever, of course. After learning my lesson the very, very hard way about having secure fencing ( *sniffle*), I'm finally getting some hardware cloth up to reinforce the chicken wire I HAD up (I know, I know) and planning on having peeps soon! Decided to go with due to the fact that I live in the 'burbs and would love definite silkie pullets. So! Here's my order for a backyard flock as it stands:

1 EE
1 Blue Cochin
4 Silkies (white, blue, red, partridge)
1 Millie Fleur
1 Brown Leghorn
All pullets

Any thoughts or regards? Wanted a few production girls in there for eggs, but everyone else is just for pleasure/ ornaments/ show and such ^^. Haven't made the order just yet, a little short on funds, but I'm about to make a thread offering my art for chicken portrait commissions to remedy that :3.


EDIT: If you'd like to contribute to this endeavor, and get a nice drawing for yourself too, check out my new thread regarding my art commissions! It's for a good, feathery cause ;D!
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You better put your order in soon! I paid for my birds a couple of weeks ago, and they're not coming til the end of April!
What happened to your previous flock?
I lost one of my hens to a neighborhood dog. Now I have a regular fence and an electric wire one going around the outside of that one. A possum already has tested the electric fence by digging under it and got zapped by 4000 volts. It really let out a loud scream. Bye bye possum. The electric didn't kill the possum, I did. Once they know where the chickens are they do come back.
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Dog, unfortunately. My pen is against the side of my house (so only three sides, one side is the brick of the house xD), the wire was screwed to the concrete of the patio on one sides, and railroad ties lined the other side, to which the wire was nailed (so digging under is impossible on two sides, highly improbable on one, difficult on the third). I didn't nail it down well enough at the back corner where the fence met the house, and he was able to nose his way in.

...that was complicated, I feel like I need to draw a diagram xD;.

Hardware cloth + buried fence = no more getting under, by my estimation.
Nice order, however, I checked the delivery date on silkies from MPC and it said June! So I will be hatching eggs.
Exactly x_x! Which is why I want to order so soon, which is why I'm trying to fund-raise by selling my art. I'm just too enamored with the idea of a bunch of silkie pullets with such a minimal risk of having to cull a roo.

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