MPC - Six chicks arrived today - pix


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jun 2, 2010
Denver, CO
My six chicks arrived from MPC safely this morning. I am still obsessively checking on them but they seem okay -- eating, drinking, chirping, running around, although they seem to be slowing down on the running around (I am guessing the food and water is filling their belly and making them tired). I have 2 -EE, 1- BR, 1- RIR, 1- GLW, and 1- Australop. Would the yellow one is an EE?



Awww... don't you just want to squeeze 'em!!! They are beautiful. Looks like your MPC order was a success. (Fingers crossed on mine next week.) Love the little lady checking herself out in the mirror. Is that the BR?

Oh, and light Easter Eggers, very cool. You'll have to post pics as they grow. I wanna see how her feathers grow in!

Thank you for sharing your new babies with us.

They initially really liked the mirror. I took it out for a while and just put it back in. It seemed like initially they were excited to see more chickens and now they are used to seeing each other...that or all they want to do is eat more than look at themselves! I swear they are already bigger than when they came out of the shipping box 5 hours ago!
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I checked out the special on MPC. It's still cheeper(ha~ha) for me to buy locally at my farm & home. BUT! My neighbor's banty hens all decided to go broody and he doesn't want them. He's sent me home with 8 chicks so far. I'm waiting for the soon and coming eggsplosion any day now! Can't wait. Here's what I have so far.

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