~*Mr. Chicken 2010 Contest!*~ The Winners Are Anoinced!!!

Wow, they are ALL gorgeous!!!

Here's Charles. He's a 9 mo. old Speckled Sussex.
He should be Mr. Chicken 2010 because he is extremely nosey - in a good way. He has to know what everyone is doing at all times. When it's time to go into the coop, he stands at the door and makes sure everyone comes in. He's been doing this since he was a youngster... He also keeps an eye on me at all times. When I come home, he runs to the car to greet me and follows me around as I do chores. He loves to do the one wing dance for the ladies and has a loud crow!!! He also loves the camera!


Him as the door man:


No one knows. It's just...just...not possible!!!
Yet, they did it. Amazingly crazy, yet I bow to them.
No one knows. It's just...just...not possible!!!
Yet, they did it. Amazingly crazy, yet I bow to them.

Lol! duckluv JUST passed you up. I know the trick... only post in games.



Name: Big Bird
Breed: Easter Egger
Age: 2 years old

Big Bird is my first rooster I have ever owned and I could not be any happier with a different one. Whenever I picked him up and held him, he would fall asleep right in my arms. I have even gone for long walks down our road carrying him. He is very gentle and loving to all of hens. When he finds a treat, he makes the treat call and most to all of his hens come running to get the treat. Big Bird also lets all of his hens eat first before he does and at night waits for his flock to enter the coop before he goes in. There has been times where Big Bird would enter the chicken coop and make a "nest" in the nesting boxes for the hens to lay in. These are some of the reasons why Big Bird should be Mr. Chicken of 2010.

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