~*Mr. Chicken 2010 Contest!*~ The Winners Are Anoinced!!!

Name: Rochester (aka Rocky)
Breed: Serama
Age: Unknown

Rochester would make a good Mr. Chicken because he is everything a good rooster should be: a ladies' man, sweet, non-aggresive to humans, and protective)
He is a very handsome show-off, loves to puff out his chest, yet takes attentive care of his broody little brown-eyed wife, Jane. Rochester loves to crow like a squeaky toy, and eat Cool-Whip. (My dad gave it to them!)




Everybody's roosters are absolutely GEORGEOUS!!! WOW!!!
He is the funniest danged thing I've ever seen! **said with the utmost respect and courtesy to His Highness of course!***

SO cute!!
Please post:
A beautiful picture of the rooster

Rooster's name : Sonny
Roosters breed Silkied Cochin Bantam
Rooster's age : about 1 year
And why you think he sould be Mr. Chicken 2010!
He would be a good Mr Chicken because the silkiness of his feathers which are a natural occurrence, he is a pure barred/cuckoo cochin bantam, a very sweet boy
I must admit, I would SO love to enter my little boy, but he's too young (1 month old BBR OEG), and not quite grown into his looks
However, I am really enjoying looking at pics of all the dudes here. Its making me look forward to my little guy growing up. I was content to have all hens, but my daughter fell in love with a snuggly little guy, and I couldn't say no. I'll tell you, I would not want the judges' job! WOW There are some amazing roos in this contest! Some are jaw dropping gorgeous, others have such great stories to them, I vote for all of them! I'll enter my little dude for Mr. Chicken 2011, when he's old enough.

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