Mr. Hawk, allow me to introduce you to my girls...


8 Years
Nov 7, 2011
Los Angeles Area
Well....after reading posts on predators, mind you I am only a proud father of my girls for a month or so, it finally happened.

I sit in the Boys classroom,and use thier school comp, yes we homeschool (mine is faster and I never get to use But the window over looks the back yard.

Hearing a collective "squeek/chirp", I know there is trouble. Popping my head to the window, there is sitting a large bird on top of the house I made for the girls.... Brain is shooting messages that something is not right, "your ladies arent that big yet".... HOLY MOLY! Its a Hawk!... (they sure are bad-assed looking, mo'fo's, eh?).

Seems like I have been doing alot of yelling lately...while I am indeed a LMS (Loud Mouth Shnook), when theres trouble about, what does a body do??? So I yelled, "ACK!!! Theres a hawk in the back!!!!", hobbling, ankle still out, to the back.

To my horror, I cant find a one of my girls... this didnt make sense cause, tho not an expert, I would imagine there would be screaming if a bird is grabbed, and until that collective one, havent heard a to speak...

I walked the entire area that I partitioned for them and they werent there... "ok...dont panick...not till ya find evidence"... so.... Wife goes to the other side of the fencing I put up... and she says, "heres one"... WHEW! at least we got one... then another...and another... they all popped up..."... lol... (sure, I can lol now...)

What happened: My yard is a jungle...(and I am now glad it is) Weeds so high one cant walk thru...and also a dead Christmas tree that I never thru away...and THAT, is where they were all hiding... so still, soo quiet... until wife came up to them.

The girls all made a bee line to the enclosed patio where I keep them at night (have yet to convert the storage shed into a coop), and all hide, quite noticibly terrified in a corner behing the orchids.

We went to the Farmers Market a couple of miles away and looking up at the sky where our house it, there were at least 20, more like 30 hawks circling ... That was the most I ever saw in my life! so I imagine they are migrating??? it was a site to see....

Any how.... Alls well that ends well.... but boy did my blood pressure go up....AND, now my heart aches more for the posts I read in here....reality sure gives one different perspective.

May all your chickens be safe! Ima taking mine for karate lessons this week.

p.s. apparently, the fencing I put up, was still wide enough for them to squeeze, them gals are all fluff! lol
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