Mr. Squeeks is sick, my Red Golden male....... Update: He passed


Emu Hugger
16 Years
Mar 10, 2008
a bumpy dirt road in Florida
Mr. Squeeks started to act aloof Sat. I thought it might be because the up and downs in our weather, but he still acted off on Sunday and was just perching just off the ground with his eyes shut. I called him but he didn't open his eyes until I picked him up. I brought him in the garage under a heat lamp, with food and water. I dribbled poly vi sol liquid vitamins in his beak and in his water yesterday and gave him a little Safeguard wormer today, just encase he had worms, but he acts like it's more neurological.... he's off balance, his head keeps jerking slightly to one side and he falls asleep and is non responsive until I touch him, then he's awake but unbalanced..... I thought perhaps he hit his head? I don't know what happened or what else I should do for him. No other symptoms like you would see if ill like respiratory illness etc... No changes diet or anything... no moldy feed I can find.... He is a reasonable weight, about 2-3 years old, looked a little dehydrated but I've been making him drink. Any suggestions?
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Enteritis? What Do His Stools Look Like? When Was The Last Time He Was Wormed? Anyway For Him To Come Into Contact With Chicken/duck/turkeys?
His stools are a liquidy light green...but I did give him some Safeguard Mon, a small amount. He looks worse today, less contol of motor skills and tries to flip backwards. I gave him a small amount of fish zole just incase it is some type of bacterial infection........ just grasping at straws. He is in a 4X8 by 6 high pen that slopes down to 4 foot at the back with 2 of his girls. he is on the outside pen and I have free range fowl around the property.... I will give him some vit E also...... it's always your favorites....
His stools indicate he is not eating, the green you see is bile..possibly botulism..which comes from moldy feed particles. it don't take much to go bad..esp once moister and feed find each other.. can take a few short days to kill them. a molasses flush is about all they may help if botulism is the cause.. Ive lost a few pheasants in my time to botulism..

Botulism: Introduction
(Limberneck, Western duck sickness)
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He passed during the night. I've had chickens w/ mold poisoning before, but this seemed different..... I don't know. I tube fed him and gave him some batril... he seemed a little better last night and was standing up, but must of passed during the night. Just not my month..............
sorry to hear of Mr squeeks passing.. but you tried your best.. don't be discouraged by this and just carry on with your happens to the best of us sometimes..

ps your site is got some great looking birds posted there..
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