Mrs Violet Duck


In the Brooder
10 Years
Dec 9, 2009
This morning Mrs Violet Duck presented two ducklings. she is sitting , should I expect some more today.
She seems in good health, considering she is a poor unfortunate widow.

Wonderful but somehow a little sad at the same time... Congratulations on the new ducklings- at least you will have some offspring from you drake that is no longer with you.

Four little beauties
One fell out this morning, saved it before the cat got it. husband called me from the bathroom to say he saw a duckling outside and the cat was about.

Doing no work this morning just looking at the carry on in the Duck Villa

How did the duckling get out?

my 7 year old could not wait to see them. He let the spare drake out and gave it a bath, then put him back in, and I think a duckling came out with it. Of course he said it wasn't him, but the sister said it was.

Got my hands full now

there are still more eggs in the nest, will they hatch does anyone know?


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