much ado about VA

Hi all. I just joined and am from Schuyler, just outside Charlottesville. I have had a few setbacks with my peeps this year but have big plans for a new coop. I'm getting some great ideas from this forum. Mainly I need to keep the chickens in and my sisters dogs OUT! They got my RIR on Thanksgiving and my Ameraucana on Christmas - nice holiday huh?
Anyway I am looking forward to some meets and am looking for some wt leghorns. (My boyfriend read somewhere that they lay the most eggs)
Hey all I am from Farmville VA about an hour west of Richmond or an hour from Lynchburg or the same from Charolettsville VA.I am about 14 miles south of Lauralou in Buckingham county and a member of Petchickens of Virginia and BYC as well. I love both sites,lots of good info and people to talk chicken with.

I raise Silkies.I have 5 now and two show qualities on the way by mail and six that will start hatching this very day.
Love Those Crazy Silkies.
Greetings! I'm new here, and I don't have any chickens yet, but I'd like to get some. I live in Bedford.

Does anybody know if there are any good places to buy chicks locally in the Bedford-Lynchburg area? I'm not looking for anything exotic, just something like Rhode Islands, New Hampshires, Plymouth or Sussex.

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