Muddy’s homestead expansion journey!

I think I’d have better luck with one of these
I’m patiently waiting for pics of my new private Muddy Ranch fishing pond. Has Mr Muddy bought a tractor to dig the pond yet? :D
WHAT?! They dug a pool BEFORE the fishing pond. Where are their priorities?! 😆
We were hoping to have the pond built for us but the quote was 20K :th soooooo mr muddy has to do it himself…….using the dirt from the other digs (pool, etc) to build the levees.
I should probably research how to raise pigs before I try to catch one. 😆
If I raise anything bigger than a chicken it would be pigs. I have about 1/8 acre that’s wooded that would be perfect for pigs.
I think you could use some piggies in your life! The girls would love them 😉
I was thinking about those at first but then thought they would come off easy when stepping in the mud.
That's why I chose lace up boots.
Water proof. :old
I actually wear flip flops most of the time 😂 my piggies don’t root much and have stuck with the one small wallow they dug when we first brought them home. Kuneyville and LlamaLane have swimming pools. LlamaLane will be getting the duck pond for the critters to cool off in.

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