Muddy’s July Birthday Bash!!! GRAND FINALE!!!

I made this with Cranberry juice, 7 up, and blue Gatorade. Highest in sugar goes first, lowest goes on top.
Turned out looking better than I thought :)
Grab & grill some steaks. That should perk him up.
we had steak earlier this week and didn’t thaw anything to cook. a lot of places are closing early for the holiday and he’s just in an overall crappy mood. i also had to put the dog door cover up because the dogs are extremely stressed because of the fireworks. he said he was going to watch 1 more episode of his show and then figure it out. i’m going to continue with my cleaning etc in between byc’ing. 😂
well I’ve been working all day on packing and loading so we could leave this afternoon and about 10 minutes to getting in the truck DS1 said he was sick......102+ fever. Soooooo we will be unloading the truck and just driving to pick up the mini from grandmas next weekend providing mr muddy doesn’t get sick. :th
That really sucks. I truly hope DS1 gets better soon. I guess y'all go to the Dr. tomorrow instead of out of town. Did I say that really sucks.
Seriously, has DS1 had the Covid shot or has he been exposed to anyone who might be sick? As you know that's a high fever for an adult. Keep us posted on how he is doing. :(

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