Mulberry Trees

Linda, why let them wilt?? Curious.

You know, I was thinking about this. I let the comfrey wilt because it has tiny bristles until wilted. I don't wait on the mulberries. Sorry for the confusion.
I've never found any leftovers. So I guess they eat them. 20% protein, I hope they do. My tree has tiny little buds on them now and I believe they will be small. I wasn't here last year when they set fruit.

I only have a couple young wild type reds that I planted. Their fruit is small and average quality. One of the young ones was owed down by the NH cockerels, so I suppose that they will eat them. I have never offered any to any penned birds. I will give it a try.

I want to plant a couple plants with better fruit quality, that will not get exceptionally big. I want to replace one of the wild types, with a selection with better fruit and add another. With four trees, the leaves could be useful.

I do not have rabbits now, but have long considered adding them.
I have been kindly sent a few mulberry berries which are planted.

A couple starts which are planted and I watch -- hoping they make it

and I set the few cuttings as well.

THank you to the senders!!!

I have a little plastic container-- a lg salad box with holes poked in a green house-- with good soil and place all my cuttings there ( blueberry, mulberry and rhodies). Most have withered and dried but I see a few with green buds-- so I have hope!!
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Old post but I wanted to bring it back to the front again. I have one lone plant that will be ready to plant out in spring BUT I have seeds that are getting ready in the fridge for a couple of months. Scarifying. Hopefully I'll have something coming along this year. The protein and nutrients are too good not to keep going. The giant old tree I had is a dud. No fruit but I was able to get a few leaves to dry and put into the fermented feed. Bump up that protein some.
Hi Linda, none of my cuttings made it but I am hopeful that I can snag a few cuttings from an old tree in hte spring. THis time I am better prepared and will take the ladder with me!! Cant wait!!

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