Multi-Generation Olive Layers - all shades included!

Hens that lay pale olive/green are Ameraucana (lighter blue) x BCM. They are mated with another BCM to darken their eggs.

Hens that lay golden olive are Ameraucana (greener blue) x Penedesenca. Half are mated with the BCM to darken their eggs. The other half are mated with a Splash Ameraucana (vibrant blue) for greener eggs.

Hens that lay the darkest olive are half (Ameraucana (greener blue) x Penedesenca) and half BCM. They are mated with a Splash Ameraucana (vibrant blue) for greener eggs.

There are no Easter Eggers (or hatchery anything) anywhere in these birds. Technically, all these olive laying mixes could now be called Easter Eggers - but I like to make a distinction between intentional Blue x Dark Brown crosses (that WILL lay olive eggs) and Blue/"Blue" x Random (where you hope for blue/green but are just as, if not more likely to get tinted and brown) crosses.

Here's a fun picture from a few months back, showing the different shades of blue that are involved in these eggs.
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An update of sorts - one of our 'orangier' Marans that has been living with the Splash Ameraucana has started laying agin - her eggs will be joining the others sitting aside for this auction!

The chicks from those eggs will lay more on the Light Sage Green end of the scale, but should be a bit more Yellow/Golden!

Colors are so much fun!
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