multiple coops


6 Years
Nov 24, 2013
I currently have 2 coops, one reason is for 2 different breeds of chickens. do you all have multiple coops ? how many do most of you have ? im thinking of having more coops because breeds and age so forth and also im thinking of building a coop to use as a grow out pen.
I have four houses that are occupied all year, two layer houses, one with Dutch and one with Rhode Island Red. I can have up to 12 tractors going around during the summer with clockers, growers and the likes and that is not including the 10 cages in the shed!
Sure do! i have um, 6. two are actually built within a small barn.. but they are coopish with runs of their own. I also have a few ducks coops/barns.. basically i am a village

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