Multiple deaths, no real symptoms


9 Years
Jul 13, 2010
I've just lost my third hen in about a month and am really not sure if they are related or not. I had a flock of about a dozen RIR hens and a rooster that are 1-2 years old. I'm now down to 5 hens and the roo with predation and these deaths. I've also got about 45, 8-10 week old pullets sharing the coop with these guys, they all free range during the day and get Flock Raiser with Oyster Shell free choice. The first hen that died had been looking/acting sorta poorly for over a month, she was missing feathers from a run in with our new puppy (who quickly learned chickens aren't toys). She seemed fine after the dog incident, but then gradually was hanging back from the flock and staying in the coop, I don't think she was laying either. She would still eat and drink vigorously until about a month ago she started looking weak and pale and just sitting there. She died a few days later after getting weaker and weaker. This was before the chicks were introduced. The second hen was always my friendliest, most concerned about treats, etc. She was my last to molt last fall and kept laying thru the molt so it took her forever to grow her feather back. She started having a little bit of a poopy hind end about 3 weeks ago but still acted normal. Poop was normal, etc. She started looking down, weak, not eating, etc. and our roo was taking advantage of her (we saw this with the other hen too). She slowly deteriorated for about 3 days before she died, the last day she was wheezing as well. Then this evening I went to put the chickens up and one hen was really pale, weak looking, and I could tell the rooster had been all over her for a while. About five minutes later she died. I know for sure she laid on Thursday and seemed fine up until the evening. I'm just wondering if theses deaths could be related, if they have a diease or something? If it could be related to the chicks or feed change? Any ideas or advice would be helpful! Thanks!
Please see my post:

It doesn't sound specifically like coryza, but the treatment will help regardless. I would get some GSE and get it in the water of the chicks and the other chickens who are not yet exhibiting signs of illness.

Depending on what it is, that may knock it right out. I wouldn't take any chances though, especially not with that many pullets.
Where do you get the GSE? And does it make a difference if it is put into plastic or aluminum waterers? I've got one of each. Thanks so much for your reply, I read your post the other day and was inspired by your ability to bring sick chickens back. I used to try to doctor them, make them eat/drink but they always died anyway so I quit interfering once they stopped eating/drinking on their own.
I buy mine online but someone else on here found some at their local health food store. It will be cheaper online though. has a bottle and with shipping it's less than $15. I use plastic waterers but I don't think it would make a difference. Thanks for your kind words. I watched one chicken die and just couldn't do that again. Fortunately I seemed to have found a system that is working and everyone is well. Such a difference from how I spent the first months of this year, with a chicken infirmary on my back porch. If I had known then what I know now...
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