Murray Mcmurray Hatchery


In the Brooder
Jul 23, 2015
Southwest Wisconsin
I just ordered place my order into Murray Mcmurray and ordered some Polish, partridge Cochins, salmon faverolles, Dark Brahmas and a couple others! Has anyone had experience with those breeds or Murray Mcmurray?
I just ordered place my order into Murray Mcmurray and ordered some Polish, partridge Cochins, salmon faverolles, Dark Brahmas and a couple others! Has anyone had experience with those breeds or Murray Mcmurray?
I have used Murray for all my poultry orders. I have always had good service from them. The birds are healthy and customer service is top notch!

I have polish and a dark brahma from them. anything in particular you wanted to know?
I had one order from MM back in April 2014 for chicks. I didn't order any of the breeds you mention but they sent a Polish rooster as a free chick. He was a cutie but I wish they would have sent a breed that was more in fitting with our big dual purpose chicks (red sex link, PBR, SS and BA). He was picked on as soon as his top knot started showing up.

I have placed a second order with them for ducklings this coming April. My first ducks so I won't really have anything to compare them to.

I thought their customer service was fine, the cost of their chicks and ducklings were about average and the cost for their shipping was very reasonable (especially compared to some other places). The chicks themselves were pretty decent hatchery birds, no big complaints there.

This is a sliver laced rooster. I also have a gold laced pullet and 2 buff laced pullets. No pics tho. The pullets lay fairly well even in the winter. The rooster is very hardy.

The dark brahma pullet. She went broody on me already. I wasn't ready tho. :( Hope to have her hatch some eggs this summer maybe.

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