again someone with push has a front porch in florida and is just hoping they can eliminate the scovy scourage! I say hope they get a bit in thier weaties !!!!! or milk! maybe they can choke on it!
because they are blaming private breeders of spreading the birds.If we cant have them we cant dump them. Also it says if the muscovy problem doesnt stop they will stop muscovy being raised by meat producers. There is no distinction between feral and farm muscovy the only distinction is between feral and wild. If you raise muscovy you are a canadate for feral muscovy release . So you cant have them. A judge friend of mine says the wording will be changed by APA too many people breed muscovy for this to go thru. But its already mandated for 31 that does not give much time. I have done alot of research .The complaints are comming from city people. Tired of muscovy that most of them fed . There is no natural food source to keep muscovies there. Ive seen very little on muscovy in the wild. Golf courses swimming pools ,parks,parking lots. apartments and yards. What are they competing with??? Muscovy are warm weather birds, they can not survive in cold freezing wet weather with out human aide. As far as mallards go they wont include another breed , there are no complaints on mallards, when mallards go feral they join a flock and do go wild. Muscovy because they can hardly fly and their size look for humans for food. The pics and reports ive been reading are about human and muscovy relation,not any other ........

I feel like im in first grade, who threw the spit ball ?? well the whole class will miss recess , Punish the many for the few.
I am not giving up my birds and I will breed.
Even if we do win this and it will take time, This is going to hard on any muscovy breeder , The season is almost here , those that depend on sales to keep going are going to have to hold out . things are tough enough now. Just stopping this years sales will be a blow to the breed.
i agree with you muscovychef. i don't depend on it myself, but how can i stop my drake from mounting my girl? he already has. i wouldn't be surprised if i get some eggs soon
I've been looking to purchase some muscovies before the 31st, and everyone (hatcheries) seem to be booked well into July/August on duckling orders. They are apparently unaware of this. What's going to happen on the 31st? How are the hatcheries supposed to stop shipping them if NO ONE knows about this?! Are they all going to get "raided" on the first of April and have all of their scovies ripped away? This just makes absolutely NO sense, like a lot of government issues. I'm SO glad I live in WY where a lot of the political nonsense is not a big issue. But I want some 'scovies. I promised my son we could get some this year
I added this to the petition i signed:

"Of all the things wrong in this country that government could be working to fix, they choose farm animals? This is a gross violation of the freedom to raise our own food! In this time of economic downturn, self-reliability should be encouraged and rewarded rather than thwarted at every turn! This law is simply unacceptable. It is the equivalent of using a sledge hammer to kill a flea. If some ducks have become feral, then let people hunt them! After all, people need to eat whether they have farms or not. You are sworn to uphold the rights of the citizens you represent--hopefully you represent the entire population and not just some elites that prefer to take our freedom away."

Anyway, I think we all get by on pleading ignorance on this one. If no one notifies a hatchery that they can no longer sell muscovies, they may just continue selling them. If there is no enforcement on this there is little to worry about. If someone does come and ask me, I'll say, "What kind of ducks are illegal? Well I got some ducks but I don't know what breed they are. I don't breed them, but sometimes they sneak off and do the dirty when I'm not looking."

Like someone said already, this is just the first step to removing our rights to grow our own food so that we are totally dependent on "them". Like the songs says, "we'll make good pets". Well, I'm not gonna depend on someone else for my food, and I don't really think they'll be coming to check any time soon.
Why hasn't BYC gotten out in front of this Fish And Wildlife Services upcoming ban on muscovy ducks? This is literally a threat to the entire hobby! BYC claims over 50,000 members and should be notifying and rallying those members to take action. Muscovies today, backyard chickens tomorrow?

I have not read the 26 pages - it took long enough to read the law!

Online petitions tend to be ignored, don't they?

I understand the problem of muscovy overrun. Somewhere I know I read an article in '07 that the muscovies were taking over Kenneth City (St. Pete, TampaBay) and the residents were very upset.
In my neighborhood, we're never had more than 14 (wild muscovy), 6 at my end of the street. I'm guessing that predators are taking care of the rest. And the neighbors never seem to have minded (one refilled the water bin in my yard while I was at work one day, when he saw thirsty ducks) but then, 6 ducks does not an overrun make. All of which is beside the point. (and not that i support the government's view on this)

They are throwing out the baby with the bathwater. They are putting out a tiny fire with a huge waterhose.
And even better, they are allowing wild birds to be murdered, chemically (that was one part of it, was it not?) Has anyone contacted PETA?

Sure, my duck is grandfathered in. But, on the off-chance someone sees her, it's been my experience that the authorities shoot first and ask questions later. (I had a pet sparrow in 2000. Took her to the vet for something and she was confiscated under "you cannot possess wild birds" by a vet who didn't know that starlings and sparrows were exempt due to not neing native. I didn't know either). So, they just took her. They probably fed her to something else (how is that "protecting" her?)

Couldn't they go for something less drastic. like enforced wing clipping so the threat of escape/migration is eliminated? Some sort of tagging? Something?

How many people will refuse to get involved cause they don't want big brother knocking on their door? Doesn't writing to a legislator say "hey! I have muscovies! (so in case you need to ill some, come here first! (after all, how can I prove she's 2 and a half?))"

Just a few questions... (probably already covered in the 26 pages)

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