Muscovy duck egg question.....

One is pipped....other eggs are still good I know that. But they are due friday!
Hahah fights over ducks... lol.. anyway mine have been in for 4 days and they dont have any veins yet
Did you ever get your second hatching or are they still in the bator?

Yes, I ended up with 10 ducklings to add to my first hatch. I have them outside and they are doing great. I need to take a picture or two of my "older" ducklings and post. Out of nine, I have 8 ducks and one drake. I hope to have a drake or two out of the second clutch as the lone drake occasionally has a dropped wing and I don't want to use him for breeding. Sometimes he holds the wing up perfect, then it slips down a bit. Nothing major, but combined with him being slow to walk around unlike the females, he wouldn't be my first choice as a breeder. Probably would make a good breeder, but if I have a better drake (IMO), I would rather breed the more perfect drake. Did I make sense?

Yes, I ended up with 10 ducklings to add to my first hatch. I have them outside and they are doing great. I need to take a picture or two of my "older" ducklings and post. Out of nine, I have 8 ducks and one drake. I hope to have a drake or two out of the second clutch as the lone drake occasionally has a dropped wing and I don't want to use him for breeding. Sometimes he holds the wing up perfect, then it slips down a bit. Nothing major, but combined with him being slow to walk around unlike the females, he wouldn't be my first choice as a breeder. Probably would make a good breeder, but if I have a better drake (IMO), I would rather breed the more perfect drake. Did I make sense?

Yes you did but when drakes are growing in their blood feathers their wings will do this they are very heavy and it takes a while for them to build up strength to hold the wing up, and your drakes are never going to be as busy as your females it's just the way it is. another thing about drakes is while growing in their heavy wing feathers it seems they have to lay down quite a bit, I've noticed this on all drakes hatched here, I don't know exact reason but it seems they are growing so fast it's hard to keep up with everything, soon though it works itself out and they look and act normal. Would love to see some pics.

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