Muscovy duckling


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 9, 2013
One of our Muscovy Ducks laid eggs under our Gazebo which is pretty much right on our pond. I discovered this only when I saw momma duck with one baby. I looked around and finally saw her nest way up under the deck that hands over our pond off the Gazebo. I figured she would round this little one up and chase it back under the deck. After that didn't happen in an hour or so, my husband tried to crawl under the deck but they were too far back and it got too narrow. We finally ended up pulling up deck boards. What we found was sad. There were two babies that were already hatched and dead, and all the other eggs were in some stage of hatching. All seemed to have frozen to death without mom in there to keep them warm. I checked each and every egg for signs of life and found none. I even peeled the ones trapped inside out enough to free their heads to check if any had survived. As I went through each egg, I placed them in a box for burial. As I picked up the box to give over to my husband I saw one little guy's bill move! I was shocked. I peeled back the egg a bit more, and he made a faint cheep!! I immediately brought him in the house, egg and all to warm up. My husband set up a pen for mom and the baby she had been caring for. We got out the heat lamp and since the baby had not finished absorbing the yolk, we thought he would be better off with mom. The were in a pen, in a heated garage, with a heat lamp. The next morning I went out at first light to see if he managed to finish hatching. He had, but he laid flat on the bottom of the cage and mom and the other baby were on the other side. I felt so bad that he had managed to hatch out and died anyone because mom just was not engaged. I picked him up and was examining him and **** if he didn't let out a little cheep! Fast forward 3 days...he is doing great. I brought him in and made him a little nest with a heating pad at the bottom. I gave him warm water with electrolytes and a mash of warm water and duckling feed. He struggled the first couple days and didn't seem to have control of his head and couldn't walk. I was afraid he had been neurologically damaged due to freezing to death twice.He slept a lot and I woke him just long enough to get fluids in him and just a bite or so of food. He is now running around like a madman. He is very lonely though. So I took him to the garage and placed him with mom and clutch mate...and she was EVIL to him. She chased him and hacked at him!! So here are my options. I'm almost certain she will not accept him, so should I take her away from her other baby and keep the two babies together so he'll have company? Or should I just raise him alone until he can be released on his own? Thanks in advance

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