Muscovy ducklings males or females?

The one in the 3rd pic walking off to the right looks to me like a girl and if they're all the same size then I'd say all girls! I was able to tell the difference in mine because the girls are more shaped like a football and the boys well aren't Lol they're more a circle shaped with longer tails! That's my boys! I have one that people swear it's half turkey and half duck! Lol! A Durkey! So that became his new name!
No droopy wings with these three! They love to flap them and fly for short hops. I'm not sure what they weight, but if Harlequins are 5 - 6 pounds and Black Swedes 7 or 8, I don't think these guys are anywhere near 8 - 10 pounds. We're still new though, so feedback from people with more experience is very much appreciated.
Durkey is a perfect name! We haven't named these yet, we don't want to have to re-name them if we guess the sex wrong. i have trouble enough remembering names as it is… It would be wonderful if they are all females.

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