Muscovy Ducks and Chickens! Interesting question?????


8 Years
Jan 2, 2012
Deerfield, NH
So I am soooooooo obsessed with incubation that I have managed to over-fill my incubator! Needless to say I have an extremely difficut staggered hatch going on that is going to require presice calculations, quick hands and a calender! I filled my incubator with eggs from 2 outside sources because my girls were not laying! As soon as it filled up one of my girls started laying! One egg every other day! So obviously I had to find a way to get them in! I do all my candling at the right times and have had to throw out some clear or not forming eggs which gave me a bit of wiggle room! Someone told me a trick about getting in 5 extra eggs by rolling one egg between each row in the turner! Bit more wiggle room! I do not have good patience so I do not collect a few from my girl then put them in! She lays it and in it goes! Here is my problem! I now have 2 extra eggs that will not fit! Bator is full at 46 eggs! My question: I have 7 Muscovy Hens! I am told that breed can be very broody! I haven't had them long and they have not layed themselves yet though! If I put the 2 extra chicken eggs in the nest box in the Muscvy house will one of them pick up on it and brood them for a bit for me??????? I just need a week! Then my first 15 will be hatched and there will be enough room for the 2 eggs! HELP!!!!!!!!!
Muscoveys are Awesomes mommys, to their ducklings. BUT everytime I've tried to hatch chicken eggs under them they die. I guess the extra moisture, weight and those big feet sufficate the chicks as soon as they start pipping or the eggs just get crushed early on. Also my experience, a muscovey hen WILL NOT go broody until she has layed around 15 to 25 eggs of her own, they are particular about their nests. I'm getting hatch happy too!! Trying to wait for a chicken to go broody, but thinking the incubator will be fired up soon!! Good Luck!!
Downer! It was just a shot in the dark! Kinda figured it wouldn't work though! Anything to hatch another egg or two!!!!! I'm just nutty about babies I guess!!!

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