Muscovy keepers share your pics!

does anyone have pictures of their Muscovy eggs? I found an egg in the duck house but there is one muscovy hen, one peking and one mallard and I don't know who laid the egg! AHHHH
ok, one clear pic for color and the blurry one for size. It is almost waxy feeling. *edit*it has been laying there for up to two days, but more likely laid yesterday or today... it appears almost greyish translucent

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well I guess we will just have to watch them. hahaha. I left it in the nest as I have heard they wont sit them until there is a clutch... I am hoping that one of my mommas will make me some cute little ducklings. although I do not know nearly enough about any of these ducks! I figure they will do what they do...
If u get lucky maybe they will all lay their eggs together and one will claim them and u will ave a variety of little ducklings lol... I have no idea if this could happen but it would b interesting if it did lol

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