Muscovy keepers share your pics!

Thanks! When I brought them back inside they all went right to sleep! Too cute. They're starting to get feathers now, I love this age.
Well now you have us hooked on the pretty lil things so keep posting pics so we can follow their transformation as they feather in and change.
ok, one clear pic for color and the blurry one for size. It is almost waxy feeling. *edit*it has been laying there for up to two days, but more likely laid yesterday or today... it appears almost greyish translucent
My females lay those type of eggs all the time, they're infertile eggs because they resemble more of a golf ball shape , but yes that a muscovy egg :)
they prety much have to be fertile. I have a drake and a hen and they have most definitely have been busy... for months now. hahah. I only have one pic of them all together in the house after I dug them all out of the bedding. She seems to be laying them far and wide inside the xl igloo. When she is ready to sit will she gather them all up in a pile or what? Is she going to reject the eggs if I handle them?

From te look of them they are fertile!!!! You better get her a nestig box that makes them want to go broody ! Like a trash can ( turned on it's side if course) or dog house usually works for mine! With some pine straw or gay in it , she'll be broody as much as a goose with 12 golden eggs
Oh sorry just read the rest of your post, great she had a dog house, once they lay more than one at a time they'll usually set on them then because the eggs will be closer together for a hatch date ! And she shouldn't reject them if you handle them , she might come and bite you but she won't reject them :D
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Buck, not to upset you in anyway, but I'm pretty sure the shape of the shell has nothing to do with fertility. the part where the shell gets made is after the part where the egg gets fertiled. And just leaving eggs in a place will not make a hen go broody. I should know I let my hen lay and lay and she never went broody. And another time I lay her do the same thing, I didn't know until she went missing, and 14 of them hatched out of 16, all different shapes, jut like my previous point, the shape has nothing to do with fertility just some shapes are better for hatching than others. In nature then hens don't care about the shape the infertile ones just get kicked out.

P.S I am incubating different breeds and I have some rounder ones that are developing and some not so round eggs developing too.

And some pics for my point
My old hen

A different breed developing

All my eggs

And the process is all the same just harder for Muscovy

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