Muscovy keepers share your pics!

Im glad to hear your baby is ok
my goslings would always climb out of their brooder(a plastic tub)when they got to about 2 months sigh they finally had to be moved out cause they wouldnt stay in there and they got too big
im a push over for biddies
awwww goslings and you should see my baby boy, jet, he is bigger then the others! and thanks :)
Hey guys we put meredith with the ducklings before sunset and they all started playing around catching flies, it was so cute, and jet is going to be a boy, i have to show you guys some pics of him, he is so bigger then the others. My other duckling, lucky, the one that came out really early has been biting the other ducklings tales playfully, its so cute watching him :)
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Underestimated my drakes ability to "fly" ....thought he was too heavy. I was wrong.

Where there a will there's a way, My youngest drake decided to try his wings yesterday right before dark, need less to say I had to go down close to the river, thank goodness he didn't fly into the river I probably wouldn't have gotten him back, But he looked so scared he willing walked ahead of me back to the house. I am clipping a wing today.

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