Muscovy keepers share your pics!

Thanks me too he shines in the sunlight so beautifully yes Lewis and him are siblings Clark is lower ranked drake but he just doesn't like confrontation so he lets Lewis be top drake he never ever fights anyone he just a complete sweety and loves Assyra and Damascus.He lets me pet him when I have food for him he is very quiet most of the time unlike Lewis he and Lewis are much different Lewis is a show off and loves to tease and Clark is quiet and likes to just sit in the shade by himself like he is thinking.
oh, sweet little introverted Clark. Give him extra hugs. You said it about Lewis, he is a socialite.
. Some hatched this morning, a properly working incubator is even better that a broody duck. 100% hatch rate most of the time.
i want to scoop those up and kiss each one.
that made me laugh poult. Hatch or eat? Hmmm. And what's amazing is that the girl birds produce these funny shaped orbs inside their bods.

Yes it is.A miracle is what it is and most people don't even think about it like that.Most people see an egg and think egg=food but my thinking is egg=new life I still eat my birds eggs it just gives you a different view on things.And I'm glad I could make someone laugh :)
Yes it is.A miracle is what it is and most people don't even think about it like that.Most people see an egg and think egg=food but my thinking is egg=new life I still eat my birds eggs it just gives you a different view on things.And I'm glad I could make someone laugh :)
thanks poult, I do get laughs from how you put things. And the egg, when not fertile is so versatile. Since I don't have any fowl I make sure my store bought eggs are free range. I eat them all the time.
i had to move 8 eggs with my chickens who unfornately arent broody and the eggs are on day one of incubation. i dont know where to put them as ryan puts the eggs she has around her body not underneath it so the eggs go cold and i cant put them with charlie as she has too many eggs aleady :( can anyone help ? one of the eggs has a incomplete ring bc of what ryan is doing
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