Muscovy keepers share your pics!

Here is Buddy. He or she is a lot smaller than the clutch. This is the one they had almost pecked to death. The beak seems to be healing nicely. She acts a little slower, has some shortness of breath on a lot of exertion but adapts. Her bottom mandible on her bill seems to protrude. I tried again to reintroduce them. The lead sibling pecked her immediately with another following suit. I don't think they will ever take it back in. I'm at a loss on what to do. Just keep her pinned up and wait? She is next door to another momma who has one week olds. So she isn't as lonely but I'm sure they won't take her in either. Thoughts?
Have you noticed any of her sibs that might be close to her size and might try those 2 together and see what happens. Don't even try new mama and ducklings or poor Biddy will be hurting again.

Here is Buddy. He or she is a lot smaller than the clutch. This is the one they had almost pecked to death. The beak seems to be healing nicely. She acts a little slower, has some shortness of breath on a lot of exertion but adapts. Her bottom mandible on her bill seems to protrude. I tried again to reintroduce them. The lead sibling pecked her immediately with another following suit. I don't think they will ever take it back in. I'm at a loss on what to do. Just keep her pinned up and wait? She is next door to another momma who has one week olds. So she isn't as lonely but I'm sure they won't take her in either. Thoughts?

to me buddy looks like girl and is super adorable!!!!! does buddy treat you like mom at all?

Would you call this black pied or blue pied?
Your bigger white ducks are definitely Pekins. It's hard to tell from the photo with the brown duck with its head in the bowl, but I'd guess not a muscovy; the body/carriage doesn't look right. You can easily tell by looking at the bills--mallard-derived ducks have a wider bill without as much of a taper. Pretty ducks, though! And if you're raising them for meat, the Pekins will be quite tasty in about a month ;)
Muscovy ducks at the right big yellow ducks on the left. Cute little Muscovy ducks.
Your bigger white ducks are definitely Pekins. It's hard to tell from the photo with the brown duck with its head in the bowl, but I'd guess not a muscovy; the body/carriage doesn't look right. You can easily tell by looking at the bills--mallard-derived ducks have a wider bill without as much of a taper.

Pretty ducks, though! And if you're raising them for meat, the Pekins will be quite tasty in about a month ;)

Thanks for the help new to ducks still learning heres another of the brown duck. Thinking about meat but still on the fence.
Thanks for the help new to ducks still learning heres another of the brown duck. Thinking about meat but still on the fence.
I'm on my phone and it's hard to tell on such a small screen, but that could actually be a muscovy. Time will tell!

Oh my goodness how awesome is that!! Congrats and look at that face.. make sure it always has a water source when it has food. 
Thank you!! Its been a 48hour labor of love :) i moistened its starter and made sure it had a sip of water.It was pretty off balance :) but very determined lol Happily napping now and i feel a HUGE weight off my shoulders

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