Muscovy keepers share your pics!

Hello everyone.So I got 3 ducks four weeks ago and they were very little. The person I got the ducklings from was given the eggs and was told they were Muscovy. I noticed two of the ducks were huge and only one was small. I made the decision to purchase a few female Muscovies that were around 5 weeks old from a local breeder. When I brought the ducks home from the local breeder they were so much smaller than my ducks. So now I am questioning which ones are Muscovies and which one aren't? Here are a few pictures hope they are clear enough. The tails are very different than each other too. The 5 week old ducks have very long tails and the bigger ducks have very short tail feathers. These are my orignial three the two yellows are huge now, bigger feet and bigger bodies than the brown duck. The two ducks in the front are the original ducks and the ones under the chicken coop are the new ones. NOT the best photos of them to show the size. The yellow duck in the far back is one of my bigger ones and the one in front of him is supposed to be older. My biggest duck is to the right of the photo and the two ducks I just got are in the pool. Maybe this photo is a little better show the size difference between my 5 week old Muscovies I got today and the 4 week old ducks I got when they hatched. If anyone could help me figure this out I would be very grateful.
Those two definitely look like pekins. I had the same thing happen to me. I got three ducklings at a sale. The box said muscovy. I ended up with three very large Pekin boys that I had to give up.
Those two definitely look like pekins. I had the same thing happen to me. I got three ducklings at a sale. The box said muscovy. I ended up with three very large Pekin boys that I had to give up.

Oh well we shall see what happens. Fallen in love with all of them already.Thanks for the help figuring out what I had though.
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thats not a red mohawk
its up against a little feather friend i made
worn out and loved what more can you ask for.
Thank you!! Its been a 48hour labor of love
i moistened its starter and made sure it had a sip of water.It was pretty off balance
but very determined lol Happily napping now and i feel a HUGE weight off my shoulders
Sounds very healthy considering it's ordeal and yours too labor is hard work lol

I'd still keep water with duckling if you offer even moistened feed they can get clogged up real fast.

Really nice easy to make waterer for water fowl.
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I found my broody on her feet above the eggs - not sitting and covering them. does she do it because it is too hot or she is not hatching any? she did it at daytime only, mornings and evenings she was sitting and covering eggs.
great idea! This is my first duck experiance.i was just wondering how i was going to keep it from swimming in its water lol Just text the lady i got the hatching eggs from.Her girls are sitting on eggs.Fingers crossed some have hatched this baby needs duck pals!
Sounds very healthy considering it's ordeal and yours too labor is hard work lol

I'd still keep water with duckling if you offer even moistened feed they can get clogged up real fast.

Really nice easy to make waterer for water fowl.
Thanks to everyone for your condolences and opinions. I am just heart broken that this has happened. She was my baby and I miss her terribly. I just don't know what could've happened, she was only a little over a year old and seemed healthy. :'(

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