Muscovy keepers share your pics!

Ducks can do some things that are impossible to understand.  My priority is to protect them all - and separating was the right thing to do.  Make sure she doesn't have any hidden injuries and if she does, get them treated.

I would get her into a tub of lukewarm water and look her over really really well.  She may have an infection, parasites, egg yolk peritonitis, or something.

Longer term, sometimes just splitting the flock up a few different ways over several weeks can change their behavior.

Ok thank you! I'll check her in the morning. It's really dark out now!
Yup, looks and sounds like Honey Pops is going to be a Pop  haha.
My drakelet sits down to eat as well.
the others, coco and lucky are females.  Having the larger wings at the same age.  Hope they live long and multiply.

THANKS so much for your reply and help.
I'm glad I have 1 drake and 2 females
yay :) :) :)
We were so excited to come out to find these babies! 14. She doubled her second clutch. I am so excited, they're so cuddly.

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