Muscovy keepers share your pics!

which one has shorter wings and how old are they?   Duck math not working for you?  I concur.

They'll be 9 weeks tomorrow. Puddles has little stumpy wings whereas Paddles is growing in juvenile feathers. I'm gonna have 40 ducks before I get enough hens to go with my drakes!!
Okay so he is two weeks now and is still very chocolate. Fingers crossed. The body down covering is brown tipped. He gets a bath everyday almost. Has been dunking his whole body since day four. Wriggles like a dog to dry off and then stands tall with his head pointed up and flaps his miniscule wings. Cuteness to die for. I let him follow me around the main floor. We play keep away with a mop which he grabs hold of and gets a free swing ride. Likes nibbling my fingers a lot and he is growing oh so fast. Heavier than my six week old chicks who will meet him when he has feathers and it's not too cold. So that's my story to this day.

Also hey everybody , we've had some real drama on this thread. let's just all rembewhy we're on here, it's because we love muscovies :), we love the way they are affectionate, we love the way the babies call to you just for some time to spend with their human mommy, we love the way they can fly so gracefully and return home just to see you. We love the way they look out for each other, and the way mommas love their babies and we love to see them grow up, we love the way they come up to you just to say hi, and the way they wag their tales when they're happy :) lets just remeber that we're here all for the same reason
Okay so he is two weeks now and is still very chocolate. Fingers crossed. The body down covering is brown tipped. He gets a bath everyday almost. Has been dunking his whole body since day four. Wriggles like a dog to dry off and then stands tall with his head pointed up and flaps his miniscule wings. Cuteness to die for. I let him follow me around the main floor. We play keep away with a mop which he grabs hold of and gets a free swing ride. Likes nibbling my fingers a lot and he is growing oh so fast. Heavier than my six week old chicks who will meet him when he has feathers and it's not too cold. So that's my story to this day.
He does look chocolate, sorry I couldn't really tell in the other pic
Kilby. (Sorry I can't do that "quote" thing.)
Thanks for your help I appreciate your help on this.

This is some more photos what do u think
these are the same ducks. Top pics and wing pics.
Honey pops

Honey pops

Honey pops wings are very small


Coco wing are very big

Lucky is the youngest 10 week's

Lucky Wings

Honey pops and coco are both the same age 11 weeks old
and lucky is 10 weeks old
honey pops is always by her self and doesn't go near coco and lucky except for eating Times.
Coco and lucky do everything together.
Honey pops she is always sitting down when eating as well.
Okay so he is two weeks now and is still very chocolate. Fingers crossed. The body down covering is brown tipped. He gets a bath everyday almost. Has been dunking his whole body since day four. Wriggles like a dog to dry off and then stands tall with his head pointed up and flaps his miniscule wings. Cuteness to die for. I let him follow me around the main floor. We play keep away with a mop which he grabs hold of and gets a free swing ride. Likes nibbling my fingers a lot and he is growing oh so fast. Heavier than my six week old chicks who will meet him when he has feathers and it's not too cold. So that's my story to this day.

What a pretty Scovy.
Here are some Muscovies I call mine because they hatched in my yard but live at the lake near my house, I live in a Hoa community. I care for them and try my best to keep them safe, I move them around to the safest lakes but still many get hit by cars and attacked by dogs. I am moving to the country next year and cannot wait to keep Muscovies where I don't have to worry about hoas, so many people are not nice to our ducks and the Hoa does nothing. I've even gone on tv trying to get the Hoa to slow traffic down and build islands on our lakes, they turned a blind eye as usual. I love these ducks to no end, they have so much personality and are so sweet, sometimes I awake to find them at my front door saying good morning or I might see a hen at my upstairs window, they are such excellent flyers. Any way here they are:)
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Here are some Muscovies I call mine because they hatched in my yard but live at the lake near my house, I live in a Hoa community. I care for them and try my best to keep them safe, I move them around to the safest lakes but still many get hit by cars and attacked by dogs. I am moving to the country next year and cannot wait to keep Muscovies where I don't have to worry about hoas, so many people are not nice to our ducks and the Hoa does nothing. I've even gone on tv trying to get the Hoa to slow traffic down and build islands on our lakes, they turned a blind eye as usual. I love these ducks to no end, they have so much personality and are so sweet, sometimes I awake to find them at my front door saying good morning or I might see a hen at my upstairs window, they are such excellent flyers. Any way here they are:)
They are beautiful and bless you for caring. These birds will miss you when you leave, maybe you should take them all with you, now that's an idea..

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