Muscovy keepers share your pics!

Seeds can be harmful to their intestines since they can't really break them down, also they need more fats during winter. What i feed mine during winter is Purina layena ( pellets and crumbles) and as a treat twice or so a week I mix that in with corn ( cracked and whole) and cat food

How are seeds bad for them?? What do u think they lived on before being domesticated?? Grains and different vegitation. All grain get broke down in the gizzard and crop. Mibe eat Acorns, Corn, Soybeans, Peanuts and oats all the time. In the winter all they will eat is whole grains and a little bit of layer. Other wise they will go without eating.
How are seeds bad for them?? What do u think they lived on before being domesticated?? Grains and different vegitation. All grain get broke down in the gizzard and crop. Mibe eat Acorns, Corn, Soybeans, Peanuts and oats all the time. In the winter all they will eat is whole grains and a little bit of layer. Other wise they will go without eating.

Mine are awesome weed eaters as well as amazing bug catchers! And I'm guilty of giving then chopped fruit and veggie scraps about once or twice a week....same with my chickens...
Mine are awesome weed eaters as well as amazing bug catchers! And I'm guilty of giving then chopped fruit and veggie scraps about once or twice a week....same with my chickens...

Yep. They are eating what they are meant to eat with that stuff. But I dont think they have raised poultry in Minnesota. It takes alot different food types for them to keep weight in the winter. That is why I get them heavy before winter. They lose all that weight staying warm.
Yep. They are eating what they are meant to eat with that stuff. But I dont think they have raised poultry in Minnesota. It takes alot different food types for them to keep weight in the winter. That is why I get them heavy before winter. They lose all that weight staying warm.
Mine eat oats , wheat, flax seed, dried split peas mixed into their fermented feed which is brolier/layer in winter since I have chickens that still lay some over winter. Mine love sunflower seeds too. I've never had any health problems with them eating whole grains and seeds. Whole corn is a staple in winter morning snack and afternoon on really frigid days. Dried meal worms is another favorite
My poultry and animals are eating me out of house and home. I wish it would warm up.

30 chickens
6 geese
17 ducks
9 muscovys
10 guineas
4 rabbits
2 large outside dogs

10 ducklings inside, they don't eat much 'yet'.

Yep. They are eating what they are meant to eat with that stuff. But I dont think they have raised poultry in Minnesota. It takes alot different food types for them to keep weight in the winter. That is why I get them heavy before winter. They lose all that weight staying warm.

I think mine are fat....we live in the desert just a stones throw from Death Valley, it gets decently cold at night in the winter, but not too horrible during the ducks are known to steal hay scraps from our goats as well....I love my featherkids!
The high lately have been about 10 below zero. We hit a heat wave though and have 20 degrees today so we are all in T shirts and no coats
My poultry and animals are eating me out of house and home. I wish it would warm up.

30 chickens
6 geese
17 ducks
9 muscovys
10 guineas
4 rabbits
2 large outside dogs

10 ducklings inside, they don't eat much 'yet'.

Nice pic where are all the animals you just mentioned? in your house?
doesn't look like much is moving around out there.

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