Muscovy keepers share your pics!

Thanks, all 3 of my drakes look very much alike that Grandpa and dad and son, my old drake doesn't have a white head. One of these days if I get to have ducklings again I will try for some chocolates and fawns since Neither one of my ducks have hatched this color yet, guess I'll have to mark their eggs with their initial so I can put the right eggs under a broody.
Here are some of my Muscovies

This is Mrs Quackalot

And this is her daughter little Quackalot

I am sorry to the steer this thread off topic, but I have to speak my mind here.

To chickarooo,
Why do you continue to post stolen images and claim both the photo and the animal as your own? Sometimes I have even found you use the rightful owners animals name!

The above Muscovy image was taken from an event in 2010.

You claimed to own some half million dollar breed horses and shared images taken from US studs and also used the photo's and names of horses from a stud in Hamburg.

You falsely entered into the chicken calendar competition with images taken from a google. Myself and another member had found them very easily with a search of 'cute baby chicks'

I strongly recommend to curb this habit of plagiarizing other peoples images for notoriety and self gain.
I "adopted" a wild Muscovy that frequents our Condo complex. Hes very big, I'd say about 2 ft tall or more. He looks very hefty and he has a wonderfully low hiss.

I like to give him treats and every time hes in the area, he walks up my back porch looking into the blinds. He knows I'm here and he's very impatient! He also makes hissing noises between bites, he definitely loves his food!

The picture doesn't do him justice at all. His feathers are creamy white, and his back feathers are a rich Jade green that gradually turn into a blue velvet with a purple shimmer.

He finally eats out of my hand, although hes been avoiding the fresh water bucket I put out for him like the plague! I'm going to be adding scrambled eggs and meal worms into his treats, hes molting and could use some nice protein. If hes still around when we move into a house, I'm so tempted to kidnap him. If hes not, a Muscovy is first on my list. I love this little guy!
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These are when they were younger c: They are at least four months now. We are giving two of my favorites away tomorrow =(
Here are some of my Muscovys

Some of the older Drakes and ducks
Cutie the drake and Smokey the duck.

My big male trying to fly.

Smokey and her ducklings.

This years babys.

Another big drake trying to fly

Boody duck

Smokey's duckling

A nice pied Muscovy

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