Muscovy keepers share your pics!

AND he's chocolate!!!!! Handome guy!

Driveway puddle mommy is no dummy! She's squatting in the calf pen down by the puddles. I started with the Sulmtalers in a large cage in the pen to get them to "imprint" home. The ducklings found a way in the cage and were hitting the food dish. Now, I've released the Sulmtalers and they can all pop in and out of the fencing to free range but roosts, nest box, food and water are in the shelter for them. So when I go down to check birds, bring fresh water, call for chow..... mama duck and babies come running too, squeezing through the fence, for thier share of the buffet!
What are Sulmtalers?
What are Sulmtalers?
Rare multi-purp LF crested breed from Austria. Meat is considered a delicacy. Hens are big n meaty too. Close to 200 large cream/lt brown eggs a year. I'm looking at them as the perfect homesteader chicken. Good foragers/free rangers. Good flight for preditor evasion. Anyway, setting them up down in the pasture as a seperate flock - my eggers too lazy to go that far! The ducks and turkeys range a bit further tho. Mama scovy decided far less competition down there than up by the house for chow for her and her ducklings tho. She's no dummy!
What are Sulmtalers?
Rare multi-purp LF crested breed from Austria. Meat is considered a delicacy. Hens are big n meaty too. Close to 200 large cream/lt brown eggs a year. I'm looking at them as the perfect homesteader chicken. Good foragers/free rangers. Good flight for preditor evasion. Anyway, setting them up down in the pasture as a seperate flock - my eggers too lazy to go that far! The ducks and turkeys range a bit further tho. Mama scovy decided far less competition down there than up by the house for chow for her and her ducklings tho. She's no dummy!
for large dogs, but I haven't trimmed my Scovy's nails they grow like that because they are tree dwellers. If they aren't causing the duck to have trouble walking I wouldn't mess with them. If you accidently cut into the quick they bleed a long time.
The nails are causing the ducks trouble with walking as some nails on the males are 1-2 inches long and every time you catch one you end up with huge scratch.
I got a scratch all the way down my arm!
We had to cut some nails off one males last night to ease the pain in walking and we accidentally cut into the quick but stop bleeding after 3-5 minutes and when I check him this morning he is walking much better.
I have noticed that my Muscovy ducks have long nails. I have been trying to find heavy duty nail clippers for them but can't find any.
What should I do?
Can you even buy heavy duty duck nail clippers?

Dog would work BUt i don't clip nails, tempting trust me!! keep a bleed stop powder close by if you do, in case you nick the quick.
The nails are causing the ducks trouble with walking as some nails on the males are 1-2 inches long and every time you catch one you end up with huge scratch.
I got a scratch all the way down my arm!
We had to cut some nails off one males last night to ease the pain in walking and we accidentally cut into the quick but stop bleeding after 3-5 minutes and when I check him this morning he is walking much better.
Oh I have been scratched many times but haven't noticed any of mine having a problem walking, if thats the case then I would trim, That may could cause lameness, I was going by when one of my Scovy girls got her nail caught in the fence she yanked on it and broke the nail boy did she bleed I tried quick stop, flour, but it just kept bleeding, finally after sitting forever applying pressure it stopped. or like Eden says File.
For those of you who let duckling stay with mama - how long do you generally leave them together? I plan on keeping all or most of the ducklings I have currently but mama is still so protective that she jumps right between us when I'm trying to work with the ducklings. The more upset she gets, the more upset they get. I would like these ducklings to be more tame than the parents are . . . They do come running at feeding and snack times and are pretty curious when I'm in their pen. I want them to get used to being handled. They are almost a month old now - is it too soon to remove the hen?

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