They are here, we got to the PO just as the truck pulled up.

They are alive, eating and drinking and now quiet under the heat plate:)

Awesome....why is the younger girl not inside the brooder with them????


Awesome....why is the younger girl not inside the brooder with them????

They both would be if I let them!

They are super friendly, not scared of us at all. I am holding back on handling them too much today I want them to get relaxed, observe...

Girls however are like, can we hold them some more?



Awesome! Happy they made it to you safely! The kids are pretty cute too. Good luck getting them to leave them alone
. I had to speak to my 14, 18 and 20 year old kids several times to leave the chicks alone! What did you end up getting? They are so cute
. Now get ready to spend countless hours just watching the antics.
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Awesome! Happy they made it to you safely! The kids are pretty cute too. Good luck getting them to leave them alone
. I had to speak to my 14, 18 and 20 year old kids several times to leave the chicks alone! What did you end up getting? They are so cute
. Now get ready to spend countless hours just watching the antics.
They arrived happy and healthy and FAST, they left Ohio yesterday at 300 and arrived in the mountains of So Cal at 2:00. I have one Blue Americauna, one easter egger, one golden buff, one barred Rock, one golden laced wyandotte, one brown leghorn and a Meyers meal maker.

I could not help thinking about your experience with shipped chicks during the blizzard and felt a bit guilty I am having the great experience that you did not get, I told my kids what happened to your chicks to prepare them for the worst while we hoped for the best. I am so sorry how it went for you and the poor lady at the post office who was so upset.

No worries. When dealing with live animals you do need to prepare for things like that. And really I think most of the issues would have been avoided if not for the bad weather. But good idea to prep the kiddos for any eventuality. There is something to learn for happy and sad times right? Good for you and your flock. I like your choices. You will love chicken watching
I'm a newbie chick mama. Although my 11 year old says she is the chick Mama and I'm the chick grandma. We bought our 10 chicks(pullets) at a local Tractor Supply March 27.There were 6 Leghorns and 4 ISA Browns. I went there to purchase my coop kit and get supplies and order 10 Buff Orpington pullets because I have a friend that works there and gave me a 15% off coupon. My daughter saw the leghorns and Browns and wanted them that night. I caved so we brought them home. Had I known the leghorns personality better at the time I would have stayed strong and said no. Anyhow, things have been going well. While at TSC on Saturday they had my Buff Orpington pullets with Black sex linked pullets. Well the others are only 3 weeks old and there were my orpington pullets. Needless to say, i asked for 6, 3 Black and 3 Orpington. Then the employee said, "They are buy 6 get 2 free." I brought home 8 more. I tried putting them together but it was way too cramped and the olders started picking on the younger ones. I separated them for now.
My daughters and I put the biggest coop TSC had together and it is not big enough for all these chicks. We need to build a larger one but I think it was at least a good starting point. We recycled our old dog runs we don't use anymore for the run. We have chicken wire to reinforce the bottom 3 feet of the chain link and to also put along the top to protect against predators from above. We got the runs laid out yesterday, painted the coop to match the house. The day before that, we had to build a frame from pressure treated 4x4 to place the coop on to level. It was easy to put together, but not sturdy or built well. It is Ok for us for now.
Have to get working on finishing it soon because the chicks I think are ready to go out. The brooding box (stainless trough from TSC) is not big enough and they look to be fully feathered. A couple are trying to do their bath in the pine shavings. We do not have consistent 55F+ nights though, sometimes the day too. We live in the southern Adirondack Mountains in upstate NY. I can put a heating lamp in the coop at night but wondering if they will be OK. Thoughts suggestions for this new chick mama?
Pics of everything coming soon. My phone is not cooperating.

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