My 1st hatch~100% Hatch!!! :) :)


Did you log all of your temps/humidity details for next time? Thats a fantastic hatch rate well done
That's great!
....I wish that was true for my first try.

What was your humidity during incubation and lockdown?
I read alot on here about dry hatching, in the beginning my humidity was staying on the low side, so I figured what the heck I would leave it be and see how it went.

days 1-18 my hunidity was in the 30's I didn't let it drop below 25. For Lockdown I brought my humidity up and left it in the mid 50's, it did go up some as chicks were hatching, and a couple times I let some out because I could see the moisture buliding up on the bator, so I brought it back down to mid 50's. My temps stayed between 98-101 for the whole 21 days.

Most of the chicks hatched out super quick, they had a tiny little pip, I started a load of laundry, did a couple of small chores, went back and looked and there were chicks completely hatched. They started pipping and hatching the morning of my hatch date. I only had one chick that took a really long time, the last one to hatch and a day later than the rest.

When the chicks hatched they were damp, not really wet, very active and only took them a few minutes and they were completely dry and fluffing up

I did keep notes:D I started taking notes when I first started and did it all the way through it. My original thought was they would help me either way. I figured if the hatch didn't go well then I could use the notes to help determine what I needed to change, and if all went well, I could use the notes to try to do it the same way again
So for the next round I am going to try to do it the same way and see how it goes, will be keeping notes on the next round also
I'm going to try the dry hatch method next time. I followed the instructions that came with my incubator, and I had 50% hatch. My eggs were shipped though, so that might have been a factor.

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