My 2y/o Blue Andalusian hen just started crowing.


Jul 28, 2016
San Diego
So, I've read about this as being somewhat rare, and also meaning a hormonal imbalance and/or a tumor causing a hen to morph into a roo, but I really never expected to have first-hand experience.

Today, while on the phone I saw my Blue Andalusian extend her neck like a roo and let out a full-on crow, THREE times! It was definitely quieter than a real roo, but absolutely a fully formed crow.

I'm really worried about her now. She's my favorite hen. She hasn't (yet) stopped laying. She laid a pretty white egg yesterday. Of course, by the time I was off the phone & ready to video it, she stopped.

She's an Andalusian so she's always been pretty bossy, but she's never crowed. She has always done the wing-drop and circle to show she means business to another hen, and she tidbits to me, but several of my hens tidbit. I had a cockerel in my flock for about 9 months (hatched him out in May of last year) but re-homed him 6 months ago. He was only a flock protector for a few months, so she probably isn't replacing him.

Has anyone had a hen that crowed and lived to a ripe old age? My girl is only two. I would do pretty much anything to see her live till at least 10.
Sometimes when there's no rooster a hen will take on the job. It doesn't necessarily mean anything is wrong with them. If she's still laying than it generally means they are fine as laying usually stops when a bird is unwell.

You cannot predict your birds lifespan. Feed them correctly, make sure they get exercise and mental stimulation, and the rest is up to fate.
Sometimes when there's no rooster a hen will take on the job. It doesn't necessarily mean anything is wrong with them. If she's still laying than it generally means they are fine as laying usually stops when a bird is unwell.

You cannot predict your birds lifespan. Feed them correctly, make sure they get exercise and mental stimulation, and the rest is up to fate.

Yeah, she hasn't laid in a couple days, which isn't unusual, especially since it's been quite hot. I guess time will tell. My birds are pets and Lulu (the hen that crowed) is my absolute favorite. They free-range in my small yard from morning til night so, plenty of physical and mental excersize.

Food has been a hot topic around here lately. I had been feeding them soaked/fermented Scratch & Peck Layer and had a hen die of Fatty Liver Hemorrhagic Syndrome a few weeks ago. I've since transitioned everyone to New Country Organics layer pellets so there's no chance of them picking out their fave grains and missing complete nutrition.
I have a RIR who has crowed since i got her as a 2 year old hen last fall. She acts like a rooster and crows. However i hatched some chicks this spring so now we have some roosters and she doesn’t do it much anymore. Lol. Who knows! Chickens can be funny birds!

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