my 3 year old's favorite pet, Buttercup, is lethargic, droopy, with puffed up feathers, won't eat


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 2, 2011
We have 2 chickens that are both a year and a half old. They usually range all over our city backyard during the day. We were camping for four days so the chickens were cooped up. They pace back and forth when they stay in their coop all day. They had plenty of food and water when we returned home today and let them out. I noticed our road runner like Sicilian Buttercup staring at the back fence and standing still, unusual for her. She is not interested in eating. She looks puffed up, like she is keeping her feathers out a little. And she has not moved from a spot under the apple tree in several hours now. No coughs, sneezes, her vent seems fine (pink). Her bright red comb has a few brownish spots at the crown, sort of like a few crusty dots. Her poop has mucus. She is drinking.
Our daughter would be so upset if something happened to Buttercup...any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks.
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I do not have an answer for you, however, one of my Barred Rock hens is doing this same thing. Except...she is not drinking and she seems either weak or unable to maintain her balance. She barely opens her eyes. She responds to my voice...but that is it. I picked her up tonight and instead of wrapping her feet around my hand...they just hung there. When I went to sit her down, she didn't stand...she just layed there. I am beside myself...I don't know what to do
If it was mites or lice, it would normally effect all the flock, not just one bird.

Can you give us any more information about buttercup? Maybe a photo?

Being puffed up and not moving is a symptom of many diseases.

Is she breathing OK, are here eyes open, swollen, closed? Can she walk OK, is she sitting down or standing up? Does it seem like she is straining to lay an egg?

Hope she is still OK. Don't bother her too much, as any extra stress can make a hen worse.

Let us know how she is doing now.
My Mawmaw's eyes are closed. She will open them for just a few seconds. She would not eat or drink and unbalanced...any ideas? She is also puffed up
The symptoms you both have listed fit so many different diseases. Can you bring them indoors and give them a heat source? Can you both take a picture of their droppings and post it?
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How old is she and how much does she weigh?
I bought her from an auction...I do not know how old she is. She might weigh a couple of pounds. I came out to my garage this morning (where she was kept last night) and she is barely hanging on. I have her laying on a blanket now and I have found there is a brownish black round hard spot on the bottom of one of her feet and the entire leg is sensitive. I have not had chickens long enough to know what this could be and could this be causing her problem?

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