My 4 hens didn't lay any eggs yesterday...should I be concerned?


5 Years
Jun 27, 2014
I usually get at least 1 egg (usually only 1 time per week will get only 1) and as much as 3-4 a few times per week, but yesterday, nothing - it was the first time. And, the weather was bad - raining and a lot cooler. Could it be just the weather?

Background - In May, I bought 4 hens from my dad who stopped caring for chickens. They are about 2 years old, he said. 1 is a beautiful Rhode Island Red (Ginger), and 3 are Buff Orpingtons (Nellie, Dollie and Bessie). The Buffs got pecked a lot at my dad's house from his other hens. And, they have missing feathers that won't grow back. They have been laying since day one - ranging from 3-4 eggs the most, and occasionally 1-2 - but at least 1-2 every day. Also looks like Ginger is starting to molt around the neck and bottom. I checked their coop and pen, and saw no signs of mites or anything like that.

I give them fresh water and high protein food every day mixed with oyster shell - as well as a little scratch and grit - and, I give them mealy worms for treats every evening - and occasionally scraps.

Also, I do clean out their coop and spray with a protector and use diatomaceous earth.

I am hoping it was just the weather that stopped their egg production. Any suggestions?


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