My 6 star hotel for my girls


10 Years
Oct 28, 2009
Derbyshire, England
Im new to here and thought you might be interested in seeing where my girls (and new boy) live... Ive been told its too much for them ..but i don think it is,

Surely the better the house the better the eggs and eventually meat ...



Inside the "shed" are 7 nest boxes just so they have a choice lol .. even though they all lay in one nest and poo in another .. ( i didnt believe it when i saw they had there own toilet lol
Ill take some pictures of the inside tommorow now i have people to show .. can stop talking to my self about them now lol

please let me know what you think or have any ideas on how to make them even happier
Wow, that looks fantastic.
Where is Derbyshire? The UK? Do you get much rain? You might think of some sort of covered area they can get out of the rain under.
Thanks .. not bad for all free recycled stuff i found on the streets and peoples gardens lol .. The shed used to house my brothers motorbike its outside lol ..

Derbyshire is in UK yes .. and we have to much rain ,
I have thought about making a sheltered area but im trying to keep it all free so dont want to buy the materials to cover it.. im not a cheap skate or anything its just a challenge

They go inside when its realy bad rain anyway ..of their own choice ..

If it starts snowing bad then i might have to invest in the materials just so they are cosier .. and for my own peace of mind

whats the opinions on windows.. should i put one in ? ) would it make a difference ?
Windows? Well - not windows on your shed but rather vents at the top of the shed walls. You might find the smell to be not very nice if you have no vents when you start cleaning the coop. Air circulation is also important for the chickens.

Nice work with thrown away materials for the run, otherwise. To cover the run, I would recommend a vinyl bath shower curtain (clear see-through would be nice), and hook the four corners of the curtain to the side of the run with a bungee cords. Where there is no "hole" on the shower curtain for the hook, just snip a hole with scissors.
First off,
Happy to meet you! Glad you're here!
Hope you enjoy your stay with us!!

Then, yep, vents for air circulation is more important than windows. Chickens can deal with cold, but bad air can cause many problems with damp. rotten bedding, bacteria, mold etc.

Windows are good for light but sometimes difficult to manage in a small shed. I'd keep an eye out for one at a remodel or something. Perhaps you will spot one that's the perfect size or dimensions.
I think you should drop in a recycled window or two just to give them plenty of light. Not something to necessarily be opened and closed, just something that light shines through. Who wants to live in a dark closet? Not me or my girls that's for sure.
I have a vent in the far side of the shed (towards houses .. (its a triangle the same size as above the door covered with chicken wirei).

. The reason i ask about windows is for lighting reasons.. Do they prefer dark or light inside ?? - I have a window that doesnt open ..its about 4 ft x 2 ft - Should I put it in (above where the run is)

- RobinZ .. That was made from broken paving slabs off a pile of rubble near my house
..and a bit of cement/sand
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