My A frame tractor coop---UPDATED PHOTOS


11 Years
Oct 6, 2008
St. Clair, MO
Here's my design, let me know if you see anything wrong, I'm beginning to wonder how thwy will do over the winter.
this is while we were building, you can see the bottom level is the run, then the ladder lead to upstairs where the perch is and if you look to the right end is the nesting area which now have 2 nest boxes.

here it is finished with two of the doors up

and one more with all 3 doors up

this weekend we are putting hardware clothe around the bottom (the run) and hopefully surrounding it with fencing for extra run to keep the neighbors dog out!
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I have actually been using it through the summer. I've lost 2 flocks to the neighbors dog, which is why we are adding the fencing around the coop. It is VERY easy to use and clean. The only bad thing is that on the bottom run there is only one side with a door, which we will change this weekend when we add the other stuff. Can you just see me crawling under there to get old corn cobs and try to get a hold of a hen! Not very convenient!
Wait, you want to see a pic of the coop finished or a pic of my goofy butt crawling through?
I will post some when the fence is up!
I'm beginning to wonder how thwy will do over the winter.

I think alot of people with tractors move them into some sort of shed/garage/barn in the wintertime - the portability of the tractors allow for this, provided you have the room.

I think alot of people with tractors move them into some sort of shed/garage/barn in the wintertime - the portability of the tractors allow for this, provided you have the room.


We built the tractor because it was small and we live in a subdivision. We didn't even think about insulation or heat for winter. We dont have a barn or a shed
We will probably be rapping alot of plstic around the fencing
Hey 6,,,,, I was thinkin on your coop yesterday,,,and I came up with a idea. Is their anyway you could put the stairs on a henge so you could close the 'door' when night came?? Maybe a latch, bolt type,,,that would help them stay warmer at night. What you think???

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