My adventure as a chicken mama begins

It's a nice big back yard for the neighborhood here on a corner lot... 96' to the back fence from the house and about 100' wide, perfect for the girls and our dog.
Ugh days of Spring rain in the forecast but the sun peeked out last night so we got 2 sides of the hen house installed. It's raining as I took these this morning and the siding is dry.. gotta love this roof.

Hubby asked me what I wanted for Mother's day this morning, and I said he is already giving me my present this year with his skills on the coop. He totally rocks, and working together is cozy. :)

It is looking great. Always nice to hear that the chooks are bringing people together. My wife and spend a lot of time together because of ours too.
Agreed on the togetherness is a good thing.. our daughter is helping and learning to use tools like the saw safely with her daddy, and painting fun with me. My grown boys even came over to help me install the evil hardware cloth. So the whole thing is a family endeavor.

Kinda like your daughter helping you design your new coop Bob :)
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In the home stretch!

gotta attach the ramp as soon as the trim goes in around the pop door.. the run door is back there too ready to hang.

pop door and floor is in :p and yes we still need to make that darn nesting box.

my pretty door was drying after its second coat of paint and a neighborhood bird left a calling card on it in the upper left... hubby says it was a christening of approval.

Now the darn Spring rain needs to take a hike so we can finish :)
i'm a little late but your coop looks GREAT ClearSkye! We just finished our coop about 2 or 3 weeks ago.

were also painting it, the darker one has been there for a few years but we just used the paint we had then so we have to paint over that old paint. We also have to build a run onto the new coop and cut a hole in between both of the coops (their attached) so they have even MORE room!

Congrats on the chicks!
Nice and roomy RodNTN! How many chickens fo you have?

And Thanks Bob! We finished enough for the girls to move in tonight. We ditched the idea of a metal roof on the nesting box, mostly cause we didnt want our daughter (or clutzy me) to cut herself on that evil stuff gathering eggs, and made one out of left over tongue and groove instead...Along the lines of the door construction really. I just have to get some more coats of red that I had matched to the roof (the joys of the need to paint many light coats of red paint to get it just right lol) on the nesting box lid and attach it. Have a temporary one in for tonight.

In about a month, or when we recover, we will make the windows and paint them red as well.

They are making funny noises while they check out their new digs. They are just about 10 weeks now and are looking like little ladies.




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