My Austistic Son Releasing a Humming Bird


8 Years
Mar 13, 2011
This is pretty cool... well, at least to me. My 14 year old son is Autistic. Over the years he has amazed us in his progress. When he was an infant we were told many things like "he'll never walk, feed himself or go to the bathroom on his own.". Not only does he do all those things now, he does much more. .... anyway, I won't carry on about that

One thing that he really enjoys is nature. He loves our chickens and ducks. This video is of him releasing a Humming Bird that couldn't get out of our garden hoop house after getting in.

I wish I could see that.....Utube is blocked here at the office, but that's just wonderful your son got to do that. I also had to catch and release a hummingbird that was stuck in our garage, and I'll never forget that experience.

Congrats on your son's progress!

All of my kids love life here on the farm. We've only lived here now for about 4-5 months. It doesn't take long for the kids to become "country"! LOL
Very cool. I 2 friends who have children that are autistic. In fact one parent is currently trying to get home from a week in Mass. I think it is something like Autism institute. It is the sonshine program.
He just watched it fly away... then started the questions LOL. Part of what he does that really shows his differences is he'll ask the same questions repeated over and over and over...

Luke: "Who let the bird go?"
Me: "You did, Luke"
Luke: "What did I do?"
Me: "You let the bird go, Luke"
Luke: "Who let the bird go?"
Me: "Luke, you held the bird and let it fly away to go see him mommy"
Luke: "What did I do?"
Me: "You let the bird go, Luke"

It's kinda funny
He just watched it fly away... then started the questions LOL. Part of what he does that really shows his differences is he'll ask the same questions repeated over and over and over...

Luke: "Who let the bird go?"
Me: "You did, Luke"
Luke: "What did I do?"
Me: "You let the bird go, Luke"
Luke: "Who let the bird go?"
Me: "Luke, you held the bird and let it fly away to go see him mommy"
Luke: "What did I do?"
Me: "You let the bird go, Luke"

It's kinda funny

AWWw - how amazingly sweet he is. He is such a handsome boy!
Sorry I was wrong the name of the place is

The Option Institute and Autism Treatment Center Of America

I tried to do a link but couldn't figure it out with out it including my friends info. And since I can't ask her (she is on a plane) I will not include her info. Hope tis is helpfull.

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