My baby is sick.. HELP!

What's the nutrition label for the feed? Most local feeds aren't up to snuff. I would definitely continue to deworm her with the given advice.
I just tried looking at the site. Doesn't say. But it's Orangeburg Milling Company, INC. I've been buying from them for years.
Update: I have tried draining her crop afterwards feeding her garlic water with ACV through a syringe. then she escapes and winds up gorging food and her crop continuously gets big. Over a month later and I've had to do this a few times. However, this past weekend I have quarantined her in a dog crate with a flat roosting bar. no food or water for 24 hours, during the day yesterday I left her in my bathroom where there are a lot of windows, so I opened them and just tried to let her poop out what she could. at first they were whole poops towards the end they were mushy with liquid. at night I put her in the crate and this morning would be 37 hours no food. What do I do now? I've contacted the local exotic vet (who does poultry) but it's Thanksgiving weekend, so not holding my breath on healing her with them this weekend. What are my next steps here, chicken family?

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