My backyard chicken story in the newspaper

Great P.R. for all us chicken ppl. Everyone laughs at me when they find out i've got chickens. First question is usually Why?. Then the lights go off in their heads and they say Are your gonna be selling eggs? LOL

Great Job
A great article...loved the video clip.

I have thought we might get our local weekly paper to run a story about having chickens...I would love to see more people enjoying the backyard chicken experience, as we do.
Great article and video. I love Sir Buffington! That is my fear that one day one of the 12 chickens I have is going to start crowing and in the neighborhood that I am in, that would NOT go over well!!!


from Cape Cod, MA!!
Loved the article - very well written and witty. The last part about Reese made me feel much better as well, lol! Can you tell my kids and hubby poke fun at my hobby sometimes? Hubby can't wait to eat banty eggs for some strange reason though, lol. I will probably have to gather a whole dozen of them for one meal!

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