My Barred rocks have died

So sorry to hear of this - but don't give up on the barred rocks!

My BR was my fav - she was the lowest on the pecking order but the first to come running when I pulled up in the drive.

A great layer. Great personality. How did I loose her - to a FOX.

She laid some eggs in a community nest & another hen hatched them out. I have three barred rock roo's to choose from
to carry on her line.

I digress - please don't give up on the BR's.
Well it nice to know that someone else buries them in the yard. I was very sad and cried after the first died, but was only sad about Gayle (yes....I name them). I don't think they were overweight. I didn't think to weigh her. All mine free-range. This time a year they get a cup or two of feed depending on the weather. I live in Texas so it stays pretty warm here most of the time and there are lots of bugs. I am new to chicken raising, so I do expect to have to deal with death. I just think it odd that both were the same breed. I have four others are Americaunas (2) and Buff Orphingtons which are too old to lay anymore. I didn't realize they were fancy breeds - oh well, live and learn. I'm going to have to get some more so I can have eggs for the summer. Any suggestions?
I bury mine in my back yard as well, since I think it's respectful to the chickens coz they work hard usually. And id rather their corpses not rot in the dump.

About 15 or so of my chickens have have names.

Free range chickens usually aren't overweight. Usually. Since they get lotsa excercize and all.

Since you said you live in texas, I wouldn't reccommend chickens with lotsa feathers or black oneslike australorps unles you're REEEALLY careful and have lots of shade and water(texas gets well over 100 degrees, right?) And I prefer not havin.g white chickenscoz they have a flag to predators that just SCREAMS, "EAT MEEEEE!!!" I have never raised a pure white chicken to maturity w/out it being eaten except for white leghorns.

I think buff orphingtons, and any gray or brown variety would suit your locatin best.

But that aside, I like Black Australorps(only have one that'll b 6 in february, but she's one of the best I've ever had.) Barred Rocks, Partridge Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, Americaunas, Coachins(great sitters), Buff Orphingtons, Black Stars, Red Stars.. hmm... that's al I can think about rigt now, but they're really great.

Flighty, white egg-laying birds I don't care fo much, so I cat reccmmend them. Leghorns have the oddest personalities, I named one dog food bc killer#1 almost ate her. TWICE! And she still goes out there, but of course killer#1 is afraid of feather braids now.

Oh, and how many chickens do you have? Th ones I reccommended are all top egg layers. Turkns areall right too and so are Brahmas, but I didn't really like mine too much oz Brahmas tke a YEAR AND A HALF to lay eggs. And theyr as dumb(of not dumber) than leghorns.
Do you think the black and white confuses the predator like zebra's when they flee?
Actually I think it makes it easie for them to spot. Imagine a white or black chicken on a green or brown grass lawn compared to a brown or a red one. Which would you go for? Buut, maybe thats just my luck... I'm gonna htch more chicks. I love it, I just cat get rid of 'em! I can sex most of wha I'm hatching by the time they're 3 weeks, so I can sell sexed... but them I'll have nothin' but roos left! I'm gonna keep about 8 tho. Americanas, black stars and rhode island reds!
Actually I think it makes it easie for them to spot. Imagine a white or black chicken on a green or brown grass lawn compared to a brown or a red one. Which would you go for?

I'd go for the one that's closest or that is moving around me !
Treating a prolapse is one of the threads that's become a sticky. I have a Rhode Island Red that prolapsed twice. We caught it before other hens got to her so she was able to recover. It is treatable, but when it happens once, it typically happens again.

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