my birds keep dying please help thanks


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jan 19, 2011
i got 10 cornish x about 5 weeks ago and i have lost 3 and i thing i and going to have one more dead by morning. dont know what i am doing wrong. is this normal for the cross. i know they have some problems. Any one that can help would be nice thanks
The unfortunate thing about the Cornish X is that they often just up and die, for no apparent reason.

That being said, what kind of pen do you keep them in?

Are they showing any signs of distress due to temperature, like panting and spreading out or huddling close together and shivering?

Is their pen cleaned regularly?

What do you feed them? Are they having trouble moving around?

Do they show any signs of illness, like discolored combs or sounds in their chests when they breathe? Are their poops normal?
bantyhen'sfriend :

The unfortunate thing about the Cornish X is that they often just up and die, for no apparent reason.

There is always a reason. It may not be obvious, but they don't just die. I wish I would quit seeing this statement so often on here, as it is far from the truth.

See if anything here helps:
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How big are they? If you think one will be gone by morning just butcher it now, no point in wasting it. They grow so fast their organs just give out sometimes.
thanks for the info they are 5 weeks old and they are only about a 2 hand full may be 2-4lbs i have been feeding orgaint feed id that why they are not that bigg thanks justin
What is the protein content of the organic feed? Is there mold or wet areas in the organic feed bag? How old is the feed? How are they housed? Do they get wet or too cold at this time of the year? Are you sure that they are Cornish X and not just a white dual purpose or leghorn?
I think we are going to need more facts before being able to help you, OP. There are many reasons why your birds could be dying but we need some particulars:

Weather~ Climate where you live?
Housing~heated, unheated, ventilated, unventilated
Feed~how much? how often? what kind?
Water~continuous? Are you keeping it thawed and fresh?
Bedding~none? deep litter? If so, what type? Are you turning it and keeping it fresh?
General appearance of your birds before death?
Appearance of your remaining birds?
Feed consumption?
Activity levels?

There are many who order meat chicks and they don't die, raise meat birds and they don't die, successfully process healthy meat birds and not notice any health issues at all.

Help us to help you by answering these questions?
I live south of Seattle. I have them in a 4x4x2 coop and they have a heat lamp 250 in it. Have it vented well and they have a4x8x2 run out side. i have wood chips in the coop i change every Monday (should i change it more). I feed they 12 on 12 off and they have clean water all the time. they are all doing well now. did not lose that one it is good. they just are not as big as some of the others i have in on the net. the feed dose not have any mold on it and is dry in side my shed. thanks for all the help. I hope I got the Cornish x. I got them from a farm in Olympia (personal) not shipped
What is the protein content of the organic feed that you are feeding and how much per bird? If you got those chicks from a private farm, they just may not be CornishX. Most people are not able to produce chicks from the Cornish X stock as they are meant to be a terminal crossbred bird ( at least 4 intensly selected grandparent lines) meant for the table only.

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