My Blue Wheaten Roo is here!!!! ***PICS ADDED****

Nice birds Mahonri. The BW cockerel looks nice. Please do post new pics when you can. The pic posted in a little dark to bring out the details but from what I can see, he's nice.

I've got a couple of BW cockerels I'm eyeing now. Already have several picked out that won't make the cut too. I don't wish to hijack the thread but just wanted to remind you to keep me in mind for the future too. Mahonri's birds are pretty much split images of mine right now. I do have a couple of Wheatens and BWs however that I think I've made some progress with in the tail color.

God Bless,
Congratulations on your new roo!!
I think I like Blue Wheatens. And they lay blue eggs, I have wanted a blue egg layer for so many years. Maybe that is the breed I should get!!
on your flock
Beautiful Birds It killed me to choose between BBS ameraucana and Wheaten/Blue Wheatens. I almost feel like the Wheaten/ Blue Wheaten birds are much less skidish but hopefully my Black and blue flock will come around to me. That is a truly gourgouse flock and I hope he makes some great babies for you!


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