My Blue Wheaten Roo is here!!!! ***PICS ADDED****

I'm still waiting for our friend from WA to post a pic of a Splash Wheaten hen... my son and I are curious.
I had a splash wheaten pullet. Unfortunatly she was killed by a predator not to long after this photo was taken. She was about 8 weeks in this photo. She was hatched from peachicks eggs.
Dang, he is GOOD LOOKING!!!!! I have 1 blue left from Jean, and she is one of my favorites. Maybe I will have to get some eggs or chicks from you next spring. Congratulations!!
I'm glad I have a dog out by the coop that barks at the least little movement.

He did the dance with one of the wheatens today and it looked to me like he was successful!! I'm waiting for Jean to get back from Ohio to find out his exact hatch date.

Now he's got to get the blue wheatens.

To me, he just gets better looking each day!... and all but the leghorns love him.!!!

The buff orp acts like he is the king and just follows him around... it's pretty funny....she even squatted for him and he didn't act on it!

Did I ever show you the daddy of my 5 pullets? (from Melissa [pasofinofarm])


I'm hoping I can get some gorgeous roosters out of he and his girls that I also can sell to folks here in the southwest...

What do you think?
Hey Mahonri, if I'm that friend you already know it's gonna be a little while longer now. I'm pretty sure I've got a young SW pullet out there but now I'm wondering if it won't turn out to be a cockerel too.

For those who would like to see a SW Cockerel, here a few pics of one of my "gals" that started to develop saddle hackles:

God Bless,

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