My Brooder is complete!!! Next step... chicks!! **Pic heavy**

Awesome work!

And i can tell you that you are going to be SO glad for years to come that you made that awesome brooder.

My hubby made me a big outdoor brooder out of a big shipping crate, and having a convenient, constructed facility for all kinds of chicken things - is so much more wonderful than chicks in a box in the living room!
You have 11 8 Week Old SLW in a bathtub?

I have 17 mixed 5 week olds, in a 4'x8' coop, and it's too small. How can you fit 11 8 week old chicks in a bathtub?
Yup... VERY nice job!!!!
I'd say your DH is a keeper! Best of luck with your chicks

Featherz, yours is nice too. Looks cozy and the chicks appear to be pleased and busy.

Ahhhhh.... the babyhood phase, they grow up so fast!

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