my brown leghorn has... er... issues....


10 Years
Aug 25, 2009
Quebec, Canada
I think she's in love with me or thinks I'm a really cool perch!

I've had Sweetie (brown leghorn pullet) for 3 weeks now, she's been in her corner in the coop up until yesterday as she is very submissive and got attacked by my huge EE roo the two times I tried to let her out to merge with the flock. Comb got ripped up, she bled a lot.

Long story short, the EE roo is now rehomed, I've gotten three other girls so needed Sweetie's space, she's been with the main flock for 2 days now but won't socialize, all she wants to do is fly up on my head-shoulders-back every time she sees me! It was funny at first but now it's obsessive - specially when she poops on my coat

The other hens aren't really paying much attention to her (thank goodness) so is she just shy?

She was raised in a large flock of birds and has taken a beating by roos, if you look at her half-missing comb... Very little human contact, AND she's a leghorn... why is she so attached to me? She cries to be picked up, she leans her face against my cheek, she loves having her face and chest stroked - a real marshmallow love-bug. It's freaking me out a little, I don't want to get attached like this to a bird because lord knows, something will happen to her and I will have my heart broken

I do put her down gently when she tries to perch on me, but darn it's hard. I feel so sorry for her

Sigh. Thanks for listening.
Put her in with the other birds and just let he be. She will adjust with time. When she does jump on you just make her get down. Eventually she will get the message. I try not to make pets of my birds as I know that when they stop laying they will go to freezer camp. I don't have any Roos anymore.
My 8 mth old leghorn is alot like her. When I'm sitting outside on the patio, she comes and perches on the back of the chair or the arm of the chair and stays there until I pet her belly. I was holding one of my silkies one day and I think she got jealous........she jumped on my shoulder so I could pet her.....too 3 more girls on the way right now
I'm incubating a few of her eggs this week in the hopes of getting more like her in personality and egg-laying... (dad would be EE roo).

Although I'm pretty sure she is very unique!

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